It has been a busy fall. Not only did I have all the garden produce to pick and preserve but I was also busy preparing for the winter craft fairs. All the produce was taken care of and garlic was planted-a bit later than usual-and now the craft fairs are done too. I can relax. Or, actually, I can get busy doing stuff more just for me. I have been looking at a concrete herb planter near our house that has eight recessed rectangles on it-two per side-and thinking i would like to mosaic those rectangles. I have a theme in mind but it means that four of the mosaics would be all black. Exciting right? Well, I have been excited thinking about it but now I am not so sure. So, I thought I would make a small black mosaic first and just see what the challenges are and what the results look like. It is now in process and a picture will be posted in a few days when it is complete.
Category: Uncategorized
Welcome to Windy Tree Garden Studio. We are currently in reconstruction mode.